There was a time when magic was infused into music events. Specifically, Raves. There were no fancy budgets for lighting or stages. There were 4 walls and a GIANT ceiling. The budgets were spent on the aritsts who charged enough for food and travel. The magic of these events was the music. THE MUSIC was what bound us and still IS what binds us.
Enter the new era of Electronic Dance Music which brought a little bit of light to our little corner of the world with bigger stages, more expensive talent, carnival rides and an experience of traveling the world to see something so increidble that it will still be talked about for years to come. However, now, nothing is exclusive anymore. Tomorrowland, Mysteryland, Sensation. All of these things were once exclusive festivals. There was mystery and magic to these events. Is EVERYTHING about money now? can there be nothing left in this world that is remotely sacred? Why must there be greed running rampant throughout society?
Its not enough to have the names light up the sky to be the biggest events that are being talked about in years, that the entire world looks to these events to be on the forefront of what is going on in the Electronic Dance Music world, but now they have to branch out to every continent in the world and most likely charge some astronomical price for the event. Has anyone bothered looking at the price for Electric Zoo? EDC Las Vegas is significantly cheaper. All I can say is that just like with the original Rave culture that has been glorified into the mainstream and made a mockery of its original form and purpose, these sacred events that once held such mystery will only achieve the same lackluster money hungry look feel and vibe that has infiltrated smaller events.
The only thing I can say is that there needs to be a renaissance within the Electronic Dance Music Scene. There needs to be a focus on recapturing the magic that once infused our lives. There is a piece of literature from the 90's written by an anonymous source that truly embodies the soul of the rave movement. It speaks so eloquently of warehouses with tightly packed bodies, where those in attendance can't help but turn to each other hold hands, embrace and celebrate life and music.
Furthermore, this piece of literature also describes the virtues of Rave culture, Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect. To reclaim these things, these values, these virtues, to regain the magic that seems to be lost, to educate the younger generation of Ravers, so they can proudly understand what it truly means to be a raver is what I'm asking you to do if you are reading this. How to go about that is upto each and every one of you. HOWEVER, remember those virtues that we hold dear and use those as guidelines for your actions. Be the change you want to see in the world.
-Aqua Doctah